Have you ever experienced how a smile from a stranger when you're walking alone on a pavement brightens up your face, lightens up your mood??
Have you ever seen the smile which lights up on young little faces when you smile at them whole-heartedly..??
I do..Children smile back at you only when they know your smile is genuine..
Have you ever thought about something and experienced something related to it in a day or less?I'm not talking about reading a garfield comic and switching over channels and realising that the garfield show is goin on at that very instant.Ah!what a coincidence! =D
No, I'm talkin about times when you meet a person more than once at odd hours in odd places and they've always been a positive catalyst for you or days when your horoscope is point right upfront or when tragedies surpass you by a stitch..
You think this is FATE? I think this is FAITH.
I've always been a firm believer in God's word and though I do not know whether angels or demons exist or not..I BELIEVE.
Everyone needs to believe, at some point or the other..everyone needs faith cos' what would we have if we had no faith?no hope?
I don't condemn atheism but no matter how open-minded or scientifically religious I may be, I can't seem to accept and appreciate this stream of faith. Stream of no faith actually; cos' what this world needs is exactly just that..a little ounce of faith and a few pounds of hope to overcome this nightmare we live in cos' being realistic in reality just makes things more real but what we need is the UNREAL.
I've always believed in the existence of spirits, good and bad not only because the Bible tells us so, but because there are innumerable number of experiences by countless people and they may not all be illusions.I,though, haven't experienced anything as such but there have been instances in my life where I have been bewildered by the luck,coincidence and circumstances which have trespassed my reality.I have met people who have changed my life and I will meet many more.
There was this Pentecostal book I had read "Interview with a witch doctor" and the man in the interview was into witchcraft since he was born and so were his forefathers.He speaks of spirits,weak and strong,old and young, spirits of Gods and Goddesses whom he handled and had power over.But, none of them came for his aid when on his deathbed.It was when he accepted Christ into his life, when he washed himself off his sins that he was born again as a new man.Yes, spirits do exist I feel..But I am confused like most of us are.
Are spirits feelings??Are hate,anger,jealousy,love,patience,kindness,grief - spirits?
Or are spirits elements?History talks about fire worshipping Azeris to tree worshipping Herero tribes(the children of the Omumborumbonga tree)..
Everyone has their own idols,their own charms and threads and things to worship to,religious traditions to follow.
But what religion is that which is suppressed by customs and by unheard of traditions, which does not bring in equality within it's two sexes, which worships animals and rips women?
Which religion is that where gypsies are treated like filth,where the sun which is worshipped inevitably sets each day, where people pray to spirits in poems,people who file their teeth to points, who worship the dragon-dog??
Yes, there are a million religions and a zillion Gods but 6 billion people who don't
know what they're believing in.
Many of us come across people at times, who are instantly refreshing..they give you this sense of happiness and comfort to be with..they give you peace..
Many of us have met people who have given us immense love which has known no bounds,such an amount of love that your experience with them is almost heavenly. =)
Many times we have come across people who inspire, who dedicate, who are determined and who HELP you when you need it the most.
When God threw Lucifer down to the pit of infinity,were Gabriel and his crew sent to Earth to save us?Do we have angels or do we have demons?Do we have both or either or none?Do we have only ourselves to live and die with?
Do we save ourselves or do we have a Saviour?
Well,according to me,God helps those who helps themselves.God saves those who save not only themselves but also many other souls.
I have had many angels in my life who have protected me with their wings of love, of blood and truth.People, old and young,tall and short,happy or sad have been my angels, my inspirations.Maybe they ARE angels in reality.
We may have infinite religious beliefs but what matters at the end of the day is that we have something called belief. Don't think that things are just mere happenings but look at life and reflect, that everything has a reason and so does our existence.
It doesn't matter whether we have the answers to these questions or whether we have questions to known answers.As long as we have the ability to differentiate between right and wrong, we have the biggest gift our mortal souls could ask for.It is in our hands to make good use of it..to do more good and less of harm, to be the GOOD you want to see in the world.
It is in your hands to be an ANGEL or a DEMON.
P.S: I published this post at a different hour,but I finished it at around 3 am, also known as "The Devil's hour". HaHa.